Running Tasks

After you create a Task you have to call its run() method in order to start running it. You can specify how often, how many times and when the task should start running.

Here’s how it works:

run(), times=None, start_in=0)

Starts running the task. Returns a Future object.

  • every(Optional) Run the task every n seconds. This value can be an integer or a float that indicates the number of seconds or a string that starts with an integer and finishes with the time scale.
  • times(Optional) How many times the task should run. It accepts an integer.
  • start_in(Optional) The amount of seconds to wait before start runing the task. It accepts the same values as :every.


In order to improve readability the every and start_in parameters can accept strings in this format:

1 second 2 seconds 1 minute 2 minutes 1 hour 2 hours


# Run a task once.
async_task = runium.new_task(task).run()

# Run a task multiple times.
async_task = runium.new_task(task).run(times=3)

# Run the task at once then repeat indefinitely every 1 hour.
async_task = runium.new_task(task).run(every='1 hour')

# Start the task in 5 hours.
async_task = runium.new_task(task).run(start_in='5 hours')

Calling the run() method will give you a Future object so you may use its methods:

# You can call result() to wait for it.


Python’s future.excetion() will allways return None because Runium catches all exceptions and passes them to future.result().