Contributing to Runium

It is great you want to contribute! Let’s make Runium great together! If you wish to add new features or fix a bug, you will have to follow some procedures and rules in order to get your changes accepted. This is to keep the code base nice and clean.

Contribution Process

  • Fork the project on Github
  • Clone the fork to your local machine
  • Make the changes to the project
  • Run the test suite with tox (if you changed any code)
  • Commit if you haven’t already
  • Push the changes to your Github fork
  • Make a pull request on Github

Getting started

First create a Virtual Environment with Python 3.7 which is the default version used in Runium.

$ python3.7 venv -m runium-env

Then clone Runium inside the Virtual Environment and start coding!

Code style

We use PEP 8 rules and flake8. Basically if you use flake8 you’re good. This applies to all text files (source code, tests, documentation). Just follow the surrounding code style as closely as possible.


Running the test suite is done using the tox. This will test the code base against all supported Python versions and performs some code quality checks using flake8 as well.

Any nontrivial code changes must be accompanied with the appropriate tests. The tests should not only maintain the coverage, but should test any new functionality or bug fixes reasonably well. If you’re fixing a bug, first make sure you have a test which fails against the unpatched codebase and succeeds against the fixed version. Naturally, the test suite has to pass on every Python version. If setting up all the required Python interpreters seems like too much trouble, make sure that it at least passes on the lowest supported version of both Python. The full test suite is always run against each pull request, but it’s a good idea to run the tests locally first.

Building the documentation

You will find all the documentation files inside docs/source/. We use ReStructuredText (.rst) for the docs files and Sphinx to compile them so if you want to contibute to the docs you’ll have to install this as well: pip install Sphinx.

If you want to add a new file add it inside docs/source/ then include it in the toctree inside index.rst and build the decumentation locally to make sure it works:

$ make clean
$ makde html

The documentation you just build will be inside docs/build/.